Exes Sh!t

This week, we talked about the role and scope that one’s ex-significant others should play in your life, especially when you are in a relationship. I found revisiting this topic to be especially interesting, as my stance on the issue has totally changed since last Marko and I talked about it. I had been the person who believed that you could remain friends with someone you dated, no matter how the relationship ended, how long it had been, or whether they were in a serious relationship themselves now.

It was a wonderful and unique experience to share with each of you the discussion Marko and I had, as a whole new stance on the situation just fell out of my mouth! What do you all think about this particular topic? Are you friends with an ex? How do you manage to balance that out when you are casually dating or seriously involved with someone? We would love to hear from you!


Libido Sh!t


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