Voting Sh@t

This week, we talked about why it is important to vote. Not just in this election but in all them. But really, in this election bitch! We are at a crossroads: do we elect the first woman President? Do we invest in someone who is depositing our resources into everything we do not stand for? Are we willing to sit this one out, even though it is monumentally important? Gosh I hope you know the answer and I trust that the answer involves you voting by mail or standing in line to cast your ballet.

Marko and I have made our stance clear. While we want you to vote more than we want you to choose our candidate, the think that the choice is quite clear. Vote for someone who cares about you or vote for someone who clearly hates you. It really is that simple. Sorry if you do not feel the same way but recent history has made the path very clear. We wish you all a clear mind while you choose the fate for the rest of us. Vote for lesbians. Vote for gays. Vote for bisexuals and queers. Vote for the tans community. Vote for yourself.


Defining Sh!t