Same Sh!t

This week, we talked about the common experience of having the same argument, over and over. Marko and I often disagree when it comes to this topic. Marko believes that a partner should put forth every effort to make changes in the name of their loved one. I believe that there are fundamental aspects to a person that may never change. For me, it isn’t about refusing to compromise or being staunchly unrelenting on an issue; it is about having worked very hard to become the person you wanted to be and having certain things that are personally invaluable.

Regardless of which side of the debate you fall, I think we can all agree that we don’t like the idea of having the same argument for the rest of our lives! We hope that the articles we shared help you to develop the skills needed to dismantle some of these patterns. I know that there are several new approaches that I am willing to try. And I’m open to the pleasant surprise of discovering that perhaps, one day, we will fight about something else. Or perhaps, nothing at all. Wouldn’t that be something?!


Slow Down Sh!t


Tit-for-Tat Sh!t