Snoring Sh!t

This week, we talked about partners who snore and how to deal with them. What a universal experience and a really shitty thing to have to deal with, right? My poor husband used to find my light snoring a comfort but as I continue to age and my heavy breathing saws more logs, he’s been more and more affected by my nocturnal noise-making. We discussed how to share the ability to respond to situations like this during the discussion.

What do you do to temper the tempest of your mate’s nostrils? Have you found something affective that we didn’t share? Have you ever broken up with someone because they snored too loudly for you? Are you in a relationship that is together all hours but in the evening because you can’t sleep in the same bed as your loved one? Write in and let us know: we’d love to hear from you!


Kiddos Sh!t


Hot & Cold Sh!t