Annoying Sh!t
This week, we talked with a group of devoted listeners during our live, virtual meet and greet event. We didn’t let anyone know what the topic was beforehand and the suspense was palpable! A special thank you again to our guests: we really appreciate you and had a lot of fun doing this episode together!
As I reflected more on this topic, I realized that there are some things that annoy me. Being able to identify them, acknowledge them, and respect the unmet needs that give rise to annoyance are all very important. But more importantly, as I’m sure we all know, is to let that sh!t go. We can’t go around feeling negative all the time. It is not healthy. So while I could stay made at my husband for using too many paper towels or leaving a light on, is it worth getting all worked up about? (Even as I type this, I hear how silly it sounds.) I think we can all strive to be more forgiving on the little things that aren’t deal-breakers. After all, our partners are human….