Season 4 Ep. 14: Thriving Sh!t


Actor, Dane de Bruin (@danedebruin) and real estate agent Mitch Allen (@mitchsellssocal) are this week’s #QueerRelationshipGoals.  Not only are these beefcakes visually appealing, but their love feels like a romance novel in life - two amazingly attractive men build a loving and beautiful life together in Southern California … it just writes itself!  We adore these two and think you will enjoy them just as much!  Follow them on IG and make sure you let them know the Critellis sent you.  Then, Marko and Tony are joined at the Virtual Critable for a Relationsh!t takeover by the guys from Gay Man Thriving, Zach Bulls and Andrew Sartory. They sit down with the guys to talk about their past lives, how Bernie Sanders brought them together, what they mean to one another, and how Gay Man Thriving aims to end loneliness within the gay community.  Buckle in for a fun adventure!

Join Gay Man Thriving:

  1. Facebook: Join the Gay Man Thriving Facebook Group and join the community of fellow gay men aiming to turn their dreams into reality.

  2. Live Event: - Use code SHIT100 to get $100 off your ticket to the 3-day live event, starting April 16-18!

Shit to Put On Your Radar:

  • Want to be a guest on the podcast? Join our Virtual Meet & Greet on Wednesday, April 21st at 8pm EST, by clicking here. For the first time, Marko and Tony will record the event and make a podcast episode from it!

  • Head to our new home at DNR Studios, sign up for a subscription, and get additional content from Marko and Tony as well as podcast shows only available on the network!

  • Visit right now for all your shave and beard needs!

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And follow Marko and Tony on Instagram (@thecritellis) if you want a BTS look into their relationship and adventures!


Season 4 Ep. 15: Pets Sh!t


Season 4 Ep. 13: Gift Sh!t