Season 5 Ep. 10: Mixtape Sh!t


This week, we are celebrating Brian Mazelin and Alec Tomlin (@meetthemazelins), and recognizing them as our #QueerReltaionshipGoals for the week, because … DUH.  Look at them! This example of black love is the truest form of companionship and we just love to see it.  Check them out on IG and make sure you let them know the Critellis sent you! Then, Marko and Tony sit down to talk about playing music during sex - and more specifically; creating a sex mixtape. Have you ever created a sex mixtape, and if so … what songs are on the playlist? And finally, the guys are joined at the Virtual Critable by friend of the podcast, Benjy Bradshaw (@benjybradshaw) to talk about his new song “Like It”, featuring TooMfknGucci (@toomfkngucci). Benjy and Gucci talk about creating the song together, what the inspiration was for the song, and when we can expect the next collaboration (wink wink).  Check out this week’s episode and tell us how much you LIKE Benjy and Gucci’s new song and video.


  1. Huffington Post: How to Make a Sex Playlist That Isn’t Corny as Hell, According to DJ’s

  2. Oprah Daily: 50 Sensual Songs to Add to Your Sex Playlist

Shit to Put On Your Radar:

  • Our friends, Benjy Bradshaw (@benjybradshaw) and Toomfkngucci (@toomfkngucci) just released the video to their new song, “Like It”. Head to YouTube (HERE) right now and give it a watch!

  • Join our Virtual Meet & Greet on Wednesday, April 13th at 8pm EST, by clicking here.

  • Marko and Tony will takeover the Derek & Romaine live show on Thursday, May 5th at 5pm EST.  Get a DNR Studios subscription so you can hear their live chat in real-time and be part of the conversation!

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Season 5 Ep. 11: Flirty Sh!t


Season 5 Ep. 9: Libido Sh!t