Season 4 Ep. 25: Healthy, Happy Sh!t


We round out our Pride Month focus on #QueerHistory by highlighting right-hand-man to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Bayard Rustin. Rustin was an African-American leader in social movements for civil rightssocialismnonviolence, and gay rights, and is responsible for organizing the March on Washington and teaching MLK about Gandhi and nonviolence.  A behind-the-scenes inspiration and an unsung hero - we stan Bayard Rustin.  Then, Marko and Tony are joined by author and life coach, Ted Smith, to talk about his life and early days in Illinois, finding relationships as a teen, and getting out of an abusive 15-year relationship to find his voice as a writer.  This is a Healthy Me, Happy We podcast takeover - you’re going to love it!

Support Ted Smith:

  1. The Book: Healthy Me, Happy We

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Shit to Put On Your Radar:

  • On July 16-18, our friends at Gay Man Thriving are having an in-person event in Austin, TX. Join them for a powerful, life-changing, 3-day event that brings like-minded men together who are ready to remove obstacles holding them back from the relationship(s) they seek. Use offer code SHIT150 for $150 off this upcoming event.

  • Head to our new home at DNR Studios, sign up for a subscription, and get exclusive content from Marko and Tony as well as podcast shows only available on the network!

  • Head to right now and use promo code RELATIONSHIT15 for 15% off your beard care or shave needs!

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And follow Marko and Tony on Instagram (@thecritellis) if you want a BTS look into their relationship and adventures!


Season 4 Ep. 26: Underwear Sh!t


Season 4 Ep. 24: Let’s Talk Sh!t