Soon-to-be fathers, Bryan and Chris (@bryan.and.chris) are the #QueerRelationshipGoals of the first episode … OF SEASON FIVE! These guys and their love for one another lets us know they will be amazing fathers and we cannot wait to follow their adventures once the babies are born. Check them out and let them know the Critellis sent you! Then Marko and Tony gather to talk about the chore wars that are (likely) happening in every household.  How do you and your partner split chores? Finally, the guys are joined at the Virtual Critable by friends of friends, Luis and Kevin (@nomad_ones). They talk about how they met, how their age difference affects their relationship, and what life in an RV is like for a couple. Such a great start to a brand new season of the podcast!


  1. BETTER by Today: The Chore War: How to Stop Fighting About the Housework - and Get the Cleaning Done

  2. Ending the Chore Wars: How to Get Your Mate to Help on the Home Front

Shit to Put On Your Radar:

  • Join our Virtual Meet & Greet on Wednesday, February 16th at 8pm EST, by clicking here.

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And follow Marko and Tony on Instagram (@thecritellis) if you want a BTS look into their relationship and adventures!


Season 5 Ep. 2: News Sh!t


Season 4 Ep. 51: Best Interviews Sh!t