We LOVE love, but we love this week’s #QueerRelationshipGoals even more.  Karl and Erry (@sokarlnerry) are giving us every ounce of life we never knew we needed.  Their undeniable love for one another and adorable connection is black love at its best.  We just know you will enjoy them just as much as we do, so make sure you give them a follow.  Then, Marko and Tony sit down to have the same fight, on a different day.  What is with this relationship phenomenon, and how do we stop the endless cycle of arguing about the same topic repeatedly? The guys try to figure it out on this week’s episode.  Finally, Marko and Tony are joined at the Virtual Critable by certified sex and relaitonship therapist, Dr. Joe Kort as he walks the guys through his methods for treating couples, what it means to be a “side”, and how he and his husband met.

News Articles Gathered From:

  1. The Guardian: Break the Cycle: How to Stop Having the Same Argument Again and Again and Again

  2. Psychology Today: 5 Reason WHy You Keep Having the Same Argument

Shit to Put On Your Radar:

  • Don’t miss out on your chance to get a DNR Studios Summer Camp Crate! Supplies are limited and time is running out, so click here and get yours before March 1st.

  • Join our Virtual Meet & Greet on Wednesday, March 23rd at 8pm EST, by clicking here.

  • Check out Dr. Joe Kort's Podcast Smart Sex, Smart Love today!

Sh!t | Leave us a voicemail with your relationship sh!tuation at (903) POD- SHIT.  That’s (903) 763-7448.  You can also fill out a Listener Sh!tuation on our website, podrelationshit.com, or email us at relationshitquestions@gmail.com.

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And follow Marko and Tony on Instagram (@thecritellis) if you want a BTS look into their relationship and adventures!


Season 5 Ep. 5: Slow Down Sh!t


Season 5 Ep. 3: Tit-for-Tat Sh!t