Season 7 Ep. 14: Ogling Sh!t


Adorable couple and our neighbors to the north, Luke and Kyle (@canuxabroad) are this week’s #QueerRelationshipGoals. This Toronto-based, nomadic (and adventure-seeking) married couple is picture-perfect and super in love with one another - and such an inspiration to us. We highly recommend giving them a follow on IG - you’ll be glad you did. Then, Marko and Tony are back from their London and Paris adventures and want to fill you in on all the details! Listen in on what the guys did during their European trip. Finally, the Critellis talk about what it's like to ogle another person along with your partner - and whether or not it's acceptable in a relationship. Is it ok to acknowledge another attractive man with your partner nearby? And at what point does it become disrespectful if a hottie crosses your path and you engage?


Season 7 Ep. 15: Sex and the City S4E4 Recap


Season 7 Ep. 10: Feeling Sexy Sh!t